Winter Short Breaks at Alpine Park Cottages: The Perfect Base for Guided Bird Watching Cruises

3rd October, 2024

The Stuart Line Experience

Operating from Exmouth Marina, Stuart Line Cruises offers more than just a typical bird-watching trip—it’s a guided adventure led by experienced ornithologists and local experts who are passionate about the region’s wildlife. The knowledgeable guides provide engaging commentary throughout the journey, helping bird watchers of all levels identify species, understand their behavior, and appreciate the delicate ecosystems they inhabit.

The comfortable and spacious vessels are ideal for winter excursions, with open viewing decks for the brave and heated indoor areas for those who prefer to stay cosy while still enjoying panoramic views. Whether you’re a seasoned birder or a curious beginner, the onboard experts are there to help you make the most of your experience.

What You’ll See

The Exe Estuary is home to one of the UK's most significant overwintering bird populations. Expect to see:

In addition to these, you might catch sight of peregrine falcons, little egrets, and many more fascinating birds that make this area their winter retreat.

The gentle cruise along the calm waters of the Exe Estuary offers a sense of tranquility that’s hard to find elsewhere. You’ll drift past quaint riverside villages, and untouched wetlands, all while surrounded by the natural beauty of Devon’s coastline. The combination of peaceful surroundings, expert guidance, and the thrill of bird watching makes this a perfect winter day out for families, couples, or solo adventurers.

Bird Watching near Alpine Park Cottages in Winter: A Guide to Devon's Hidden Gems

Winter in Devon offers a magical experience for bird watchers, with its rich, diverse ecosystems hosting an array of migratory and resident bird species. If you're staying at Alpine Park Cottages, you're in a prime location to explore some of the best bird-watching spots the region has to offer. Whether you're captivated by coastal birdlife, intrigued by wetland species, or charmed by woodland residents, this area boasts incredible opportunities for all levels of bird watchers. Below, we highlight some must-visit spots, including a special winter bird-watching cruise and top nature reserves.

 RSPB Aylesbeare Common: Heathland Birds in Winter

Just a short drive from Alpine Park Cottages, the RSPB Aylesbeare Common offers a completely different bird-watching environment. This reserve is set in a stretch of ancient heathland, and while winter may seem quiet compared to the bustle of summer, it's an excellent time for spotting some of Devon’s more elusive residents.

Winter walkers might encounter Stonechats perched on gorse bushes, their call unmistakable even in the cooler months. Dartford Warblers, which stay on the heathland year-round, are a prized sighting, though their small size and quick movements make them challenging to spot. Keep an eye out for Buzzards and Kestrels patrolling the skies overhead, while the call of a Great Spotted Woodpecker might echo through the leafless trees surrounding the common.

Aylesbeare Common offers stunning panoramic views, and on a clear winter day, bird watchers will appreciate the wide-open skies, where raptors can be easily seen circling for prey.

RSPB Bowling Green Marsh, Topsham: Wetland Wonders

For those interested in wetland species, the RSPB Bowling Green Marsh near Topsham is a winter haven for bird watchers. Just 20 minutes away from Alpine Park Cottages, this reserve is part of the Exe Estuary's broader network and is renowned for its winter bird spectacle.

The marsh attracts thousands of wading birds and wildfowl during winter, offering the opportunity to observe large flocks of Black-tailed Godwits, Lapwings, and Golden Plover. The viewing hide, overlooking the marsh, provides a warm and dry spot from which you can watch birds feeding, resting, and flying in dramatic formations. Look out for Pintails, Shovelers, and Shelducks making the most of the marsh’s bounty, while Water Rails might be skulking in the reedbeds.

For those lucky enough, sightings of Spoonbills and Marsh Harriers are not uncommon, adding to the excitement. It's also worth visiting nearby Goosemoor, where you might spot Little Egrets and other wetland birds gathering in shallower waters.

Winter Bird Watching at Seaton Wetlands

Nestled along the River Axe in East Devon, Seaton Wetlands is a hidden gem for bird watchers, particularly during the winter months. Just a short drive from Alpine Park Cottages, this expansive network of marshes, reed beds, and intertidal areas offers a peaceful retreat for bird enthusiasts looking to experience the wonders of nature in its quieter, colder season. Seaton Wetlands is part of the broader Axe Estuary Wetlands, a renowned site for its abundant birdlife, especially as migratory species seek refuge in Devon’s relatively mild winter climate.

Winter Bird Watching at Lower Otter: A Hidden Gem on the Devon Coast

The Lower Otter Estuary, nestled along the East Devon coast, is a lesser-known but excellent spot for bird watching, especially in the winter months. Located just a short distance from Alpine Park Cottages, this tranquil area forms part of the broader Otter Estuary Nature Reserve and offers a diverse mix of habitats, including mudflats, salt marshes, and reed beds, which attract a wide variety of bird species during the colder season.

Winter in the Lower Otter region is a spectacular time for birders, with migratory species arriving from colder climates to seek refuge in Devon’s relatively mild conditions. Whether you're a seasoned birder or a beginner looking to explore the area's rich avian life, the Lower Otter offers a peaceful and rewarding winter bird-watching experience.

A Stroll from the Cottages: Local Birding Gems

If you prefer to stay closer to home, you can enjoy some casual bird watching right around Alpine Park Cottages. Winter brings different species to the local woodlands and farmlands, with Robins, Blackbirds, and Redwings frequently seen foraging in the gardens. Long-tailed Tits, Blue Tits, and Great Tits can be spotted in hedgerows, while Buzzards and Kestrels are a common sight soaring above.

For early risers, dawn can bring the chance to hear Tawny Owls calling, and during clear nights, the eerie hoot of a Barn Owl is also possible.

Tips for Winter Bird Watching in Devon

Winter bird watching near Alpine Park Cottages opens a window into the wild heart of Devon, from heathland reserves like Aylesbeare Common to the wetland wonders of Bowling Green Marsh and the thrilling coastal tours along the River Exe. Whether you’re an experienced birder or simply looking to enjoy the serene beauty of nature, this region offers a unique and rewarding experience during the colder months. So grab your binoculars, wrap up warm, and prepare for an unforgettable bird-watching adventure in the heart of Devon.

Book a Winter Short Break

Alpine Park Cottages offers short-break packages during the winter season, allowing you to stay for a few days without committing to a full week. These breaks are perfect for those looking to enjoy a couple of peaceful days of bird watching and relaxation.